Building this Site
Richard Davis, Blog

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I'm a nerd. One of the things I'm a nerd about is Emacs, the extensible text editor. Emacs does basically everything for me: I can listen to music, browse the web, read and send email, chat over multiple protocols, read and write PDF documents, etc. (Notice that I didn't even explicitly mention writing text!) One new thing that I have made Emacs do for me is build this website. This proved harder than I expected, so I'll share some takeaways from the process.


This is pretty easy; I just use GitHub Pages. This also takes care of building the website via a GitHub Action that installs Emacs, builds the site, and publishes its content to GitHub Pages. And though not technically necessary, I bought a domain and set it up as directed here.

This part of the process is practically effortless, and I can recommend it to anyone looking to build a static site like this one. I may someday want to migrate to a freer option like or Codeberg but that can wait until I have the money, time, and energy to do so.

Building the site

The build process that GitHub Actions runs to build the site's HTML files is the publishing feature of Org Mode, the incredibly powerful outlining tool/organizer/document builder etc. for Emacs. This feature transforms files into other formats according user-defined project settings. I am of course not the first to do this; my work draws on or steals from many who have done similar things before me. My primary source was David Wilson of SystemCrafters fame, who has two excellent tutorials on building sites with Org Mode and automated publishing with GitHub Pages.

As there are already excellent sources on these topics, I will summarize briefly and only comment on when I feel I do something differently or have something to offer.


One thing I do (due to my lack of knowledge of HTML and CSS) is that I use a setupfile to provide nice HTML and CSS theming that I couldn't otherwise do myself. At the moment I'm using the ReadTheOrg theme (a ReadTheDocs clone) from the wonderful org-html-themes project. These can be added to your project with a #+SETUPFILE: directive in all Org Mode files, like so:

However, I require a few more settings, so I don't directly; I instead wrap this directive in my own setupfile which I then use in the org files for the website. I override or add some HTML settings and define the yt macro to embed videos. The setupfile looks something like this:

# include the original setupfile

# my settings
#+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/images/favicon.ico">
#+HTML_HEAD: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

#+MACRO: yt (eval (concat "#+begin_export html\n" "<div class=\"video\">" "  <iframe src=\"" $1 "\" allowfullscreen></iframe>" "</div>\n" "#+end_export"))

#+HTML_HEAD: <style> #content{max-width:1800px;}</style>
#+HTML_HEAD: <style> p{max-width:800px;}</style>
#+HTML_HEAD: <style> li{max-width:800px;}</style

I refer to the setupfile from within org files like so:

#+SETUPFILE: ../path/to/my/theme-readtheorg.setup

In order to allow downloading the remote setupfile, in the publish script, I must include it in the variable org-safe-remote-resources:

(setq org-safe-remote-resources


The hardest part of this site was setting up the blog the way I wanted it. I relied a lot on this wonderful article to help me generate the RSS feed, though I had to tweak some functions to get it to function as I like it.


This function generates an RSS entry in an intermediate file. It functions by sanitizing the text of the blog post to a useful RSS description and inserting that in an Org Mode entry with the appropriate properties.

(defun my/format-rss-feed-entry (entry style project)
  "Format ENTRY for the RSS feed.
ENTRY is a file name.  STYLE is either 'list' or 'tree'.
PROJECT is the current project."
  (cond ((not (directory-name-p entry))
         (let* ((file (org-publish--expand-file-name entry project))
                (title (org-publish-find-title entry project))
                (date (format-time-string
                       (org-publish-find-date entry project)))
                (link (concat (file-name-sans-extension entry) ".html"))
                   (insert-file-contents file)
                   ; remove kewords and comments
                   ; remove everything after first heading
                    "sed -n -e '/^[[:space:]]*#/d' -e '1,/^*/p'"
                   ; remove first heading
                    "sed '/^\\*/d'"
                   (string-trim (buffer-string)))))
             (org-mode) ; need to call `org-set-property'
             (insert (format "* [[file:%s][%s]]\n" file title))
             (org-set-property "RSS_PERMALINK" link)
             (org-set-property "RSS_TITLE" title)
             (org-set-property "PUBDATE" date)
             (goto-char (point-max))
             (insert text)
        ((eq style 'tree)
         ;; Return only last subdir.
         (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name entry)))
        (t entry)))

The most notable change here is that I significantly sanitize the text of the region with the shell-command-on-region directives. I make sure only the text of the article before the first heading (the introduction) remains in the RSS description, and that no keywords (such as #+SUBTITLE) remain that might sully the output.


The final entry in org-publish-project-alist looks something like this:

(list ""
      :base-directory "./content/en/blog"
      :base-extension "org"
      :recursive nil
      :exclude (regexp-opt '("" "" ""))
      :publishing-function 'my/org-rss-publish-to-rss
      :publishing-directory "./public/en/blog"
      :rss-extension "xml"
      :html-link-home ""
      :html-link-use-abs-url t
      :html-link-org-files-as-html t
      :auto-sitemap t
      :sitemap-filename ""
      :sitemap-title "Richard Davis, Composer"
      :sitemap-style 'list
      :sitemap-sort-files 'anti-chronologically
      :sitemap-function #'my/format-rss-feed
      :sitemap-format-entry #'my/format-rss-feed-entry)

Blog landing page

The above does a great job to generate an RSS feed, but I also want to generate a landing page where the blog entries are that can be accessible to the rest of the site. This turned out to be a very similar process to the RSS feed, with only a few tweaks necessary to change the formatting as I wish. The entry in org-publish-project-alist is similar, with only a few details changed.

(list ""
      :base-directory "./content/en/blog"
      :base-extension "org"
      :publishing-directory "./public/en/blog"
      :recursive nil
      :exclude (regexp-opt '(""))
      :html-link-home ""
      :html-link-use-abs-url t
      :html-link-org-files-as-html t
      :auto-sitemap t
      :sitemap-filename ""
      :sitemap-title "Richard Davis, Composer"
      :sitemap-style 'list
      :sitemap-format-entry #'my/format-sitemap-entry
      :sitemap-function #'my/format-sitemap
      :sitemap-sort-files 'anti-chronologically
      :sitemap-file-entry-format "%t (%d)")

Notably, the format functions have changed from the RSS project as the formatting needs have changed.


This function takes a single file within the project (a single blog post) and transforms it into an unordered list entry.

(defun my/format-sitemap-entry (file style project)
  "Format ENTRY for the RSS feed.
FILE is a file name.  STYLE is either 'list' or 'tree'.
PROJECT is the current project."
  (let ((path (org-publish--expand-file-name file project))
        (title (org-publish-find-title file project))
        (date (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"
                                  (org-publish-find-date file project))))
    (format "- [[file:%s][%s (%s)]]\n"


This function formats the sitemap (in an intermediate file,, that will subsequently be published to HTML) by adding all of the in-buffer settings and preamble text I want.

(defun my/format-sitemap (title list)
  "Generate sitemap, as a string.
TITLE is the title of the RSS feed.  LIST is an internal
representation for the files to include, as returned by
  (concat "#+TITLE: " title "\n"
          "#+SUBTITLE: Blog\n"
          "#+AUTHOR: " user-full-name "\n"
          "#+SETUPFILE: ../../../common/theme-readtheorg.setup\n\n"
          "#+INCLUDE: ../../../common/\n\n"
          "Subscribe to the RSS feed [[file:./rss.xml][here]]!\n\n"
          (org-list-to-subtree list 1 '(:icount "" :istart ""))))

Quality of life

Beyond the above, I have made a few quality of life improvements that help me develop the site better.

Publish script

The publish.el file at the root of the repository is itself a script, that defines Emacs as its interpreter with a shebang, as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env -S emacs -Q --script

This means the file can be run in any interactive shell like any other script.


Another major advantage this offers is that it ensures the script can run on its own, without contamination from a local Emacs configuration. This is essential for it to be able to run via a GitHub Action.

Local development

One thing I found when doing local development is that org-publish will not remove published files if their source file has been removed. This can make it a little challenging to know what will actually show when I push the repository. Thus, before running org-publish-all, I make sure to delete the public directory:

(delete-directory "./public" t)

The intermediate files for the RSS feed and the sitemap can also get in the way, so I remove those too:

(setq regen-files '("content/en/blog/"

(dolist (f regen-files)
  (delete-file f))

This way I have a clean repository before publishing.


I like to use the simple-httpd package to test the website as I build it. Once it's installed, I publish the site once and run M-x httpd-serve-directory RET path/to/public. I can then access the site from my web browser of choice by navigating to, or whatever URL shows up in the message buffer. When I'm done I can run M-x httpd-stop.


Emacs is pretty cool! This setup works pretty well for me and it makes it much easier for me to maintain a website. All I need at this point is to figure out how to get a good mono-space font for code examples.

You can access the source for this website here. Comments, suggestions, questions, etc. are always welcome at!
